Alarm Clock Version History: 1.06 fixed a problem which preventing the user from setting a one-off alarm for a time earlier in the day than the current time. 1.05 fixed a problem with the startup shortcut when installing the program in a directory with a long file name. 1.04 removed the error message the user would get if clicking on 'Delete' while on the alarm list column headers. From this version, snooze status was given in the alarm status dialog. A minor change was also made to the error reporting in the install program. 1.03 fixed some inconsistencies with the enabling and disabling of spin controls in the Add dialog. This was also the first version which gave 20 alarms in the registered program and 5 until registered: the program file was brought into line with the instructions in this respect. 1.02 was the first version released on public archives. 1.00 and 1.01 were pre-release versions given to a small number of people for testing. The animated icon while an alarm dialog is showing and the facility for 'persistent alarms' were both introduced in version 1.01. Contact: John Hudson